Aimee, Terence, Javi, Maria G, Marc, Zoe and Maria R have all had functional symptoms that appeared to affect different systems of their bodies and found it helpful to understand how these symptoms were related.
When you read their stories, you’ll notice both similarities and major differences. Some of them have primary diagnoses of functional somatic syndromes, while others experienced functional symptoms alongside other illnesses. Their healthcare experiences also vary, showing how in different countries, healthcare systems approach treatment in different ways. It’s important to note that not all the treatments mentioned in the stories are recommended. In fact, some of them caused more harm than good.
Although there is a range of stories here, some might be difficult to read. These seven individuals joined the project due to having significant challenges with their symptoms, so the experiences shared here represent more extreme end of the spectrum of functional disorders. Therefore, don’t worry when you read the stories that your own symptoms will follow the same path. Each person’s journey with functional symptoms is unique, but on average, people have a less difficult time.