Symptoms Quiz.
(note: this quiz is not a diagnostic test)
Our quiz suggests a relevant explanation for your symptoms.
It works best if you select all the symptoms you (or someone you care for) has experienced in the last 2 weeks.
Quiz Results.
Body memory
Our bodies adapt to the things we experience.
Your quiz results suggest that body memory might be involved in your symptoms.
The connected body
Our bodies reach out into the world and connect with others.
Your quiz results suggest that your symptoms could be signalling an inbalance in your circumstances or surroundings.
Dissociation protects us from overwhelming by disconnecting the brain and body. It can lead to confusion and weird bodily symptoms.
Your quiz results suggest that dissociation might be involved in your symptoms.
The autonomic nervous system regulates the balance between arousal and rest.
Your quiz results suggest that dysregulation might be involved in your symptoms.
Body rhythms
In the body, lots of important functions need to coordinate.
Your quiz results suggest that getting your body rhythms back in sync might be key to getting on top of symptoms.
Body systems that respond to the world around us, can learn to be sensitive to more and more things.
Your quiz results suggest that your symptoms might be due to a sensitised alarm system.
Thinking about symptoms
Our thoughts can keep us stuck, or lay the path for healing.
Your quiz results suggest that unhelpful beliefs or thought patterns might be maintaining your symptoms.